Free AI-based employment case review

Do you have a valid legal claim?

Free AI-based employment case review

Do you have a valid legal claim?

40% of workers face abuse at work but often do nothing about it – The HR Director, March 2024

Enter your case details

The case review is based on your input


Your employment situation

Answer a few simple questions about your present situation


Your case description

Provide an outline of your case (what happened, when, who was involved). The more detail you give, the better your guidance will be

You can also ask additional questions about your case which we’ll answer in your personalised case review


Do you have an employment law case?

Use our new AI service to find out fast, free and online

Why use Do I Have a Case?


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Confidential & Secure

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Fast Response

Get your case review within minutes. If you want a lawyer, get a call within an hour